Garment Stories

Posted by Danielle Francis on

Bloom Moda’s website launched this week and you cannot imagine how excited I am!  As the founder of Bloom Moda, it’s been one of my passions to start a project that can change the world. Yes of course, it will take time to change the world, but with your help we can make an impact. 

It sounds odd to try to change the world through children’s fashion. But Bloom Moda not only offers the popular brands you love, but also a series of garment stories that begin with you. I envision a community that works towards zero waste through the goal to upcycle and recycle every garment purchased from Bloom Moda. 

The European Union started the European Clothing Action Plan, an initiative to reduce fashion waste. Some of its goals are to divert 90,000 tons of fashion waste from landfills and encourage textile recycling across the European Union. We at Bloom Moda believe in this initiative and support it through our mission to keep the world blooming. 

Often times sustainability lies upstream in the fashion industry. The designers choose sustainable materials for the garments, the textiles producers use less resources to make the fabrics, and manufacturers produce the garments in an environmental and ethical manner. The retailers at the end of the chain have little involvement in sustainability. Yes, there are larger brands like H&M and Intimissimi that encourage customers to return old garments to the store, but what about the retailers that do not own the design and production process of the garments it sells? Who continues the sustainable journey that the thousands of independent designers worked hard to begin?

Bloom Moda will continue that journey, and I hope we are not alone. We are taking a step towards extending the lifespan of garments with the aim of reducing the environmental impact of fashion waste. Most children’s clothes have a lifespan of 2 – 4 years, according to most sources. But think about how long your child can actually fit a garment. And now think about how often they wear each garment. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?! There’s a lot of wear left in those pants!

How many lives have your children’s clothes had? Did it start and end with you? Or did it live on to tell more stories? Please share your thoughts and garment stories below! We’d love to hear from you!

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